A review by vikingwolf
Sons of Destiny by Darren Shan


This was a much better end to the series than I expected, with books 7-11 being a bit of a let down. I liked what they did with this book.

We had all our main characters gathering to prepare for the big battle, Darren is struggling with the fear of his destiny if he does kill Steve and become Lord of the Shadows, and he has to worry about all his Cirque friends getting caught in the crossfire. The big battle scenes were exciting and well written, though of course you know (and want) Darren to win. Evil Steve had to die!

I LOVED the big reveal that Mr Tiny is the real father of Steve and Darren and that he set them up from birth just to see who would be strong enough to become the beast he created to destroy humanity. I never liked Mr Tiny but the evil in this creature that was revealed in this book was beyond anything that I expected. I have complained that previous books were too predictable but I'm glad to say I wasn't expecting this plot twist. And boy did I love the way Darren got out of his destiny by letting Steve kill him as well. Brilliant!

The ending was also interesting as Darren conspires a way to stop Mr Tiny's plans from coming to pass even though he won't be alive to see it. It was a great ending to the series.