A review by magencorrie
Surviving Ice, Volume 4 by K.A. Tucker


*ARC was provided via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review*

My Review

My gosh how I just loved Ivy and Sebastian. Those two really delivered a story that was both compelling, sexy, intense, and just plain sweet. Finally getting inside Ivy's head was a treat I just loved and Sebastian, who fits Ivy so perfectly, had my heart beating non-stop.

This series has been a wonder to read. Each one I have enjoyed, but I think this one and Chasing River are by far my favorite books in the series. It’s the characters of each book that really make the stories. Each one a unique and interesting individual and Ivy was no different. I really enjoyed her spunky attitude and loved her sarcastic nature. However, there really is much more to her than that. I loved seeing that she had such a vulnerable side. Getting such an in-depth view of her really made me love her even more.

And then there is Sebastian. What I loved about him is that he is kind of the opposite of Ivy. More of a stoic character, fierce, and very serious. But they are the same in some sense as well. I loved that he really shook Ivy’s world, he challenged her and made her feel things she hadn’t really felt before.

The growth in both characters was one factor I simply loved in the book. Each one finding something in each other that they needed and also discovered quite a bit about themselves. How they get tangled up in each other’s lives, now that was a fun thing to watch. It was both intense and enjoyable. Watching how that it all played out was wonderfully written and I was happy with where they were at the end of the book. And I have to talk about their chemistry! Sebastian and Ivy really had an instant and intense connection. I really felt the pull between them and I loved watching them together.

The book flowed beautifully and I loved how the story unfolded altogether. The character growth was well paced as well and developed to my liking. The dynamic between Sebastian and Ivy was a great contrast in the story. The ending was so sweet and I felt the series wrapped up so nicely.

All in all, Surviving Ice is definitely my second favorite in the series and a beautiful conclusion to this series.