A review by petra_reads
Just Fall by Nina Sadowsky


Just Fall is the story of Ellie who marries Rob who turns out to be someone she doesn't really know. But Ellie has a couple of skeletons in the cupboard, too.
Interesting premise for a story. And the story itself wasn't bad. But I didn't particularly enjoy the way it was delivered. It felt like a screenplay at times. Probably not surprising considering the author's background. At the beginning and then again at the end, the author addressed the reader directly. That didn't work for me here.
The story was told by means of alternating short chapters of 'Now' and 'Then', with the 'Now' in chronological order but the 'Then' jumping all over the timeline.
I would just start to get into the story and then it would change to another time or focus on a different character. I ended up reading this in tiny installments thus taking much longer than usual to finish. Not only do we have Rob and Ellie's perspective, but then the perspective of Lucien, a policeman investigating a murder and the disappearance of several young boys, was also introduced. While it wasn't confusing to follow, it just felt disjointed and it stopped me from becoming involved with any of the characters. Well, actually the only one I harbored any feelings for was the poor police guy and what he and his family were going through. I didn't really care about Rob or Ellie. I am still at a loss where the promised "sexy and seductive" was?
While the Now-chapters were quite exciting and I was interested in following that story, the Then-chapters seemed to contain a lot of unnecessary padding. I understand that the author was trying to develop the characters of Rob and Ellie in this manner by giving the readers their histories but I would have preferred if it had been condensed or integrated into the central story.
If it hadn't been for the last 20 or 30% of the book, I would have ended up rating this lower, but the way the story finally played out redeemed it. At least, there were some good twists. Not so much my thing stylistically but an interesting plot.
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.