A review by bookwormbetty
The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken


The Bachelor Auction is a modern day twist on Cinderella. This story has been done many ways and many times you say...you haven't read it Rachel Van Dyken's way. She is a master at story telling, and it's never a boring tale that she spins.
Jane, our heroine, works as a maid and has two horrid sisters. She does everything for these two horribly lazy jerks, she calls sisters. I wish Jane had a backbone, but I understand why she doesn't, again this is Cinderella with a twist, so naturally Jane was way more meek and mild. When Jane is offered a very nice job cleaning Brock’s house it's an opportunity she won't pass up.
Our hero, Brock, is the typical prince charming. He is loyal, dependable, and tries to be the one that keeps everything and everyone together. Brock has two brothers, but unlike Jane’s sisters, They are hilarious and always up to something. They actually brought so much enjoyment and fun to the story. They made the story a great balance.
In true fairy tale fashion, Brock sweeps Jane off her feet and they fall in love. There is an auction, yes but the real heart of the story is Jane and Brock falling in love, I loved how there was an attraction and it wasn't an instant fall in bed together. There was time for them to get to know each other on a deeper level, and fall in love with the person.
This story was a fun and definitely sweet. Sometimes a little too sweet, and I felt that maybe it could detract from the real bones of the story. That being said, I am very excited to see what Rachel does with Brock’s hysterical brothers!
This story is told in the third person