A review by unfetteredfiction
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke and Other Misfortunes by Eric LaRocca


Going to keep this relatively short!

I enjoyed the title story of this collection. It was fun and grim. The format was playful despite the twisted plot. I don’t think the shock value hit as hard as was intended. It’s fast paced and you are searching for a resolution while reading, it’s tense.

The other stories in the collection I didn’t enjoy at all really. I think it was the writing style? Maybe? For me, it felt rushed and repetitive. I wasn’t really interested in the characters as everything about them felt laid out on the page in a way that wasn’t engaging. The characters and their motivations made little sense to me and were ultimately unconvincing.

Who knows, I’m probably just bitter that I didn’t get a paperback with the original cover artwork (by Julia Lloyd, I think) which is much more compelling than this one…