A review by nerdyfangirl
The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff


Let me just say that I LOVE this cover . . . and also this book. Brenna Yovanoff has crafted a seriously eerie book with wonderful characters. Mackie is a believable boy complete with the inability to not stare at girls and endanger his well-being for a kiss, and the best part is that he's not drop dead gorgeous. He's pale and tall and awkward (which is totally my type, but still), and I love it!

I think my favorite character, though, is Tate. Her little sister dies (so the town is willing to believe), and everyone shuns her because she doesn't mourn the death of the thing that replaced her. Everyone turns against her, and she turns to the single weirdest kid in town to help her (and then falls for him). She's strong and quirky and stubborn as hell, and she is the reason Mackie gets involved at all . . . I said he was a real guy.

The writing is superb, and the descriptions leave just enough to the imagination to make your skin crawl in places. Yovanoff has created a twisted world and filled it with strong, realistic characters (and a few creepy, intimidating ones as well) in her stunning debut novel. If you think there aren't any "boy books" out there, you're missing out on this one.