A review by khylabevibin
Thor: Daughter of Asgard by Genevieve McCluer


I unfortunately did not click with this book. It had a good premise and potential to be great but just falls so disappointingly flat . It hurts knowing that with just a little more building this could’ve been great.

Plot wise- everything happened too fast and I already knew this was going to be an issue because more often than not books based on mythologies tend to be good with length since the story takes time to build and actually explore it’s different aspects. This story did not deliver when it came to actually going into the mythology.

The characters were all carbon copies of each other personality/ humor/ thinking wise though I still found myself liking Emily and Hannah as a couple but mostly because of their interactions.

Could’ve been so much better without just a bit more depth.

I don’t recommend- maybe in a couple years and with individual growth the author could revisit this story and make it as good as it should be! I’ll keep my eye out for this author though because again this had really good potential and I hope that the author learns and grows in terms of writing to continue producing good plots

ARC by NetGalley in exchanged for an honest review