A review by booksbarksbabble
Nice Catching You by Joshua Harwood, Ryan Taylor


I don't like leaving a negative rating without some context, but I also don't like knocking someone's hard work, so I'll keep this short. There are lots of good reviews for this, and I read it on someone's recommendation, so the story telling style obviously works for some. I'm just not the right audience for this apparently.

My issues here are:
**The main characters in this book were a college senior and a 3rd year law student, but, to me, they're written like 16 year olds. In addition to the immaturity, there isn't any depth to the characters.
**This book reads like a middle grade or maybe YA book aside from the steamy scenes. The storyline is very shallow, overly dramatic, and completely unrealistic.
**Related to that, the way LGBTQ issues were treated (a university in NY kicking an athlete off the team and out of school for coming out as gay) made me think this was written in the late 90s or something, but nope, it was a 2022 release. I live in TEXAS and that kind of stuff wouldn't even happen here - at least not in the open way it supposedly did in this story. The whole situation was straight up ridiculous.

The only reason I didn't DNF this is because it was on audio, and easier to power through, but I won't be continuing with the series.