A review by merlin_reads
Beginnings: Obsidian & Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout


 Not going to lie, the first book really reminded me of another popular YA series.


Katy is pretty sure there's something strange about her neighbors, the Blacks. Weird things always seem to keep happening around them, and not too mention how the rest of the town treats them. When Katy befriends Dee Black, she gets drawn further into their world. Add on the love/hate relationship that seems to be stemming between Katy and Daemon Black, and suddenly Katy finds herself smack in the middle of something out of this world. The Blacks aren't human - they're aliens, hiding on Earth after their planet was destroyed.

I liked Katy almost instantly. She was an independent girl who liked to keep to herself and was obsessed with reading. She really only reaches out to her neighbors as a favor to her mother. She was very much a 'I'm gonna do it myself' kind of girl. Even when the shit hits the fan and she's surrounded by alien problems, she stays strong. She didn't wait for others to save her, and sometimes that didn't always work out well for her.

Then there were the Blacks: Dee and Daemon. The complete opposite of each other. Dee is super friendly and has a very positive attitude. She just wants a friend and when Katy moves in next door, she sees the perfect opportunity and jumps on it. She was a little overwhelming at times but her heart is in a good place. Daemon on the other hand is arrogant, egotistical and just downright rude, but of course, he has his reasons. He just wants to keep his family safe and he sees Katy as a threat to that safety. He will do anything to keep Katy away, even if it means being a grade A ass.

I haven't read a lot of alien books so I didn't really have anything to really go off of. Having read Armentrout before, I knew that I liked her writing style. One thing I've noticed is that she borrows heavily from other well known sources before finally coming into her own. And that's what happened here.


With Onyx, Armentrout breaks away from the mold of another series and brings the story more into her own light, delving more into the alien races and those involved. The connection between Katy and Daemon is only intensifying and Katy doesn't know what's real. Things are happening to her, things that shouldn't happen to a human. She doesn't trust herself around Daemon, so she turns to an outsider who seems to know more than he's letting on.

Onyx definitely kicks up the pace now that everything has been established. We are finally able to jump into what I'm assuming will be the main plot for the rest of the series. Some mysteries are solved here but at the same time, a whole pile of more mystery comes leaking out.

I am looking forward to seeing where Armentrout takes this one. Especially now that Daemon and Katy have finally acknowledged their feelings for each other. However, that whole aliens and humans not mingling may come into play soon and it should make for a fun read watching this play out.