A review by elliotalderson
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe


The Way We Fall is about a sixteen year old girl, our main character, named Kaelyn. She's about as ordinary as ordinary gets. She no longer has a best friend. She never really talks to the other kids she goes to school with. But then she decides she needs to make a change to her life. Be a new Kaelyn. The change does come, but not in a way she expected.

A strange, deadly virus overtakes the island Kaelyn lives on. It starts with an itch you just can't get rid of. Then comes the itchy throat, fever, coughing and sneezing. It isn't long before you're starting to get really friendly with everyone, talking without thinking. And then come the hallucinations... and eventually, death.

I was really excited about this book when I initially read about it. It sounded interesting and like it could be a nice change from the usual. I was right, it was different. But I'm not sure it was a good different. It took me awhile to get used to the writing style. I'm not sure why. It just wasn't flowing right for me. I got used to it eventually.

I liked how Kaelyn stepped up and always did what she thought was best. The epidemic really hit close to home for her and even though she was grieving, she never really gave up on helping people and doing what she thought was the right thing. Even when she was ready to give up, she realized it wasn't the right thing to do.

One of the things I particularly liked about this book was the relationship between Kaelyn and her little cousin, Meredith. I got a very maternal vibe from Kaelyn when it came to Meredith and I found it sweet. Definitely one of the high points of the book.

One of the low points was how the book was basically written as Kaelyn writing to Leo, her old best friend. I didn't really see why that was necessary. I know he was important to her and that he ties in a bit to her relationship with Tessa. I just don't see why that had to be the format.

Overall, the book wasn't bad. It just wasn't great. Three stars seemed too much so I settled on two. It seems kind of harsh, though. Oh well. I'll probably check out the sequel to see where the story goes.