A review by itsmadelyn
Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater


Lmao wtf did I just read.

"You are made of dreams and this world is not for you."

First of all, I've never read [b:The Raven Boys|17675462|The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1)|Maggie Stiefvater|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1573508485l/17675462._SY75_.jpg|18970934] before, and I even didn't know that CDTH is like a spinoff/sequel to TRB until, like, just now, so if it's like essential to read TRB first and I should do that, then please lmk.

With that said, I really didn't like this book.

It was slow. Slow. As. Snails.

I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know what their goals were. It took like 100 pages for me to figure out that they wanted to get the Dark Lady, but by the time the Dark Lady was important, they've already obtained it. And then it just became useless. I mean I still don't know why exactly Declan wanted it. And I still don't know why Declan is a part of the market thing anyway. (Should I have read TRB first?)

Their paths all just barely interest for like 100 pages, and Carmen's storyline only intersects with the other two for a page. Not kidding.

The writing also didn't do it for me either, but that's just because I was looking for something fast paced and exciting, while this was slow and... dreamlike.


Everything was just so goddamn random. And we had just random stories peppered throughout, characters we haven't ever heard of. Why did we need those?

Anyway, the characters were just so... I don't know. I didn't care for them. They were characters, not people I was rooting for. They weren't real. I don't know why they did whatever they did half the time. Everything about this book was just so... random and not tied together and just, yeah, dreamlike. Not in a very good way. It was all a trance. This doesn't feel like a book. It feels like someone put a bunch of sentences together and hoped for the best. I just ended up getting so bored.

All in all, if all this hating on the book is just because I've never read TRB and I really should, I'm sorry LOL, feel free to yell at me.

"You are a song in a crowded restaurant and it’s so hard to hear with all this shitty noise.