A review by maiakobabe
FTL, Y'all!: Tales From the Age of the $200 Warp Drive by Julie Gravelle, Iris Jay, Nathaniel Wilson, Earl T. Roske, Olivia Northrop, James F. Wright, Evan Dahm, Skolli Rubedo, David Andry, Jonathon Dalton, Seren Krakens, Cindy Powers, Molly Kennedy, Sunny, C.B. Webb, Cheez Hayama, N.N. Chan, C. Spike Trotman, Kay Rossbach, Chris Williamson, Alexxander Dovelin, Ainsley Seago, Little Corvus, Xia Gordon, Luz Bianca, Maia Kobabe, J. Piechowiak, Miss Jamie Kaye, Rachel Ordway, Mary Anne Mackey, Ahueonao, Mulele Jarvis, Blue Delliquanti, Paul Schultz, Jay Eaton


I need to say up top that my review of this book is biased, because I am one of the contributors. Regardless- this book is FANTASTIC. Each story plays with the premise of a world in which faster than light speed engines exist, and can be built at a relatively low cost by a layperson. Many of the stories feature queer or POC characters. Some include contact with alien life- others with colonization, scientific exploration, families, separation and reunion, depression, joy- it's a rich feast. I can't even pick out favorites, because all of the stories were so strong!