A review by vof5017
A Spell for Trouble by Esme Addison


Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an advance copy of this title in exchange for an honest review!

This is the first contemporary "cozy mystery" book I've read and it was a lovely introduction to the genre and a solid start to a new series! Esme Addison plunks the reader down into the charming, gossipy, and insular seaside town of Bellamy Bay, filled with a lively cast of characters. The mystery plot was intriguing, with several twists, and the undercurrent of....something special (no spoilers!)....added a fun element, which will hopefully be explored more in future books.

My only gripe was with the main character's inclination to form very fast friendships and romantic interests; it just seemed a bit odd for someone who described themselves as "risk-averse." Other than that, it was a very pleasant and engaging read!