A review by kaa
The Queen's Librarian by Carole Cummings


There was a phase in my fantasy reading as a young teen when it seemed like every single book I picked up starred some bumbling young man who despite incredible naivete and obliviousness still managed to save the day and get the girl. I hated (and still am not a fan of) that trope. Though Lucas has already gotten his guy, this book reminded me far too much of that experience. Most of the characters are caricatures, but especially the women, who are either compulsive shoppers or ultra-competent. (As a young reader, I had a love-hate relationship with the latter type of female characters - part of me wanted to be her/be with her, but part of me had Feelings about the idea of being expected to be the practical one taking care of a boy who would trip over his own feet but always get all the credit.)

The first time I tried to read The Queen's Librarian, I dnf'ed it out of exasperation with Lucas's absurdity. I came back to give it another try in a more forgiving mood, and managed to get through it pretty quickly. There were actually quite a few things I did enjoy about this book. The plot seemed a little slow to get started, but overall it was pretty entertaining and the pace got better as it went along. I felt as though things were foreshadowed and revealed to the reader at appropriate points, which is something I've been frustrated at other books about recently. I liked many of the secondary characters - Alex and Lucas's animal companions were especial favorites, and Laurie was also amusing. On the second read, when I was in the mood for something silly, the over-the-top characterization and humor were a lot more amusing - although never quite enough to make me get over my annoyance with Lucas. I think others who are more entertained by bumbling heroes are likely to enjoy this book much more than I did.