A review by thebritishbibliophile
Echo Dominion by Anna Durand


'Dive back into the dystopian with this read from Anna Durand that will pique your interest, and make you fall for a whole new genre. The future is here, are you ready for Echo Dominion?'

Thank you to Anna Durand for sending me this ebook Advanced Readers Copy for me to read and leave an honest review.

I'm a reader who is far from used to reading novels along the dystopian/apocalyptic genre, but when an author who I've come to crave to read more and more from releases a dystopian novel, I simply had to read it. Just to see if I would like something outside of my comfort zone with an author who makes every word enjoyable to read.

Echo Dominion is the second book in her 'Echo Power' series, the first being Echo Power which has become the name of the series. I did not join Anna's ARC Team in time to read that book, but I did have the pleasure of listening to the audiobook, narrated by John Hartley & Stella Hunter. (Read the review here --> my link text . Although I did not read the book, I gave a very hearty four stars for the story through the audiobook. A noble start for my first ever dive into the dystopian. How will Echo Dominion fair? Read on to find out.

In Echo Power, we met Dex and Allison. Here in Echo Dominion, we meet two more people to add to the growing group, Grant and Erin. These two are cut from similar cloths but under circumstances in which they find themselves--and others--now living in, there's only one thing to do and that's learn how to get along and survive as a unit. A team. Only, Erin is a bit of a law unto herself, irking Grant who is a stickler for following law, order and rules. This is quite a pairing, and will only be a matter of time before their animosity turns to angst and inevitably, sparks flying as they get closer and closer.

The journey to that moment is fraught with danger, close-calls and many moments of asses being saved. Anna writes their story well and it was a genuine action-packed story to get to there and subsequently thereafter, getting a few last-minute surprises before that ending. It's not quite the dreaded cliffhanger where it is irritating to wait till the next book, but more of an 'oooh' moment that impresses you no end and I for one cannot wait to read the next chapter--pun intended--of this series' story!

My recommendation to anyone looking to dive into something different, with the dystopian/apocalyptic read themes/tropes that isn't heavy or overly dark, start with Echo Power and Echo Dominion. Especially with Echo Dominion, you're getting a friends-to-lovers (if you can call Grant & Erin's relationship at the start as 'friends-), Slow Burn, Fling-To-Love, Second Chance, Headstrong Female, Forced Proximity, Road Trip romance. It's not heavy on the apocalyptic as is seen in something akin to War of the Worlds, but dabbles in one possible avenue of the future due to situations created by humanity. An interesting take on this genre that can go anywhere, lending itself to creative licence and many possible outcomes. It'll be interesting to see where things go next, and if there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel.

4.5 stars for Echo Dominion, Grant, Erin & Anna Durand!