A review by kayladbruns
As She Fades by Abbi Glines


Abbi Glines is one of those authors that bring nostalgia to me. When I fell off my reading back when I was 19, I read Fallen Too Far and I was sucked back into reading. Anytime I see that she is coming out with a new release I pre order it. I can’t help it.

I really didn’t want to put this book down once I started reading and when I did, my mind kept going back to it.

If you have read reviews for this title, then you know that you there is a twist in this book. If I thought I was invested before the twist came, you can bet your ass that I didn’t put this book down after it happened! You really can’t go into details of this story without giving anything away. Towards the end, I came to understand the need for that twist. It was really needed in the story and I hope everyone can appreciate it and understand it as well.

I will say that Vale had my heart. She was a sweetheart who is trying to get her life back on track after a tragic accident. This girl was brave and didn’t make her decisions lightly. I was so proud of her by time this book was over.

Overall, I enjoyed this so much and recommend if you like YA contemporary.