A review by xoxotawnydee
Braced2Bite by Serena Robar


2.5 Stars

"You silly, vapid, frivolous child!!"

I was so glad when I came across that quote in the book because let's face it, Colby Blanchard is exactly that description. And yet.. she's so smart. Which is why I couldn't bring myself to like her. At all. How can you let brains like that go to waste on clothes and whether or not you can lose six pounds so you can stay on the top of the cheerleading pyramind? It was almost like two completely different characters. The girl who was obsessed with looking pretty and tanned and not wanting to wear her headgear fangs [that her dad made specifically for her because he felt guilty for having her canines pulled when she was younger] all because they gave her a lisp. Compare that to the girl who gave that spiel about Darwin's 'survival of the fittest' ideology. Two completely different people.

Another thing that bothered me about this book was the fact that she walks into the house after being missing for two days and she drinks her mother's blood. DRINKS HER MOTHER'S BLOOD AND THEN SEALS THE WOUND WITH HER SALIVA and her parents don't freak out. Like at all. I mean, her aunt is all "oh I've seen this before. You have no blood pressure and you're cold and you're pale with yellow eyes and Oh! No heart beat. Been there, done that. You're a vampire." And the parents just go along with it. Like they wouldn't freak out if their sixteen year old daughter turned into a vampire.

"Well, technically you're dead."

Overall it got 2.5 stars because while I didn't particularly favor the book, I know I would have liked it when I was younger. Like twelve. But the vanity of this chick... I have never met anyone that irritating in my entire life. And not a single one of the cheerleaders I've ever known has acted like that. So I would recommend it to the younger crowd, but I think it loses it's charm after about fourteen, fifteen years old.

Review also published on my blog, Sunshine Reviews