A review by booksicle
You Are Here: Connecting Flights by Ellen Oh


This book has earned its way onto my favorite books of 2023, and it's no surprise why. Written by 12 asian-american authors about young asian-americans that intersect in one Chicago airport, this book is a wonderful and entertaining read that I think adults and middle grade readers alike are going to enjoy.

There's so much diversity in this book: autistic characters, Jewish characters, characters from all different background converging in 12 interlacing stories that deal with standing up for themselves, finding their voices, and above all: discovering what it means to be American. This book has many themes of racism and many of the characters struggle with fitting in. Whether this be because they became Americans when they were younger, or have lived here their entire lives and struggle with their identity. This is a wonderful parallel between each of them, and it shows the sense of community and understanding each of the characters have with each other throughout each one.

These 12 amazing writers came together to write an enticing short story collection that have so many themes that work beautifully together. Reading about the characters through their thoughts, and then seeing them viewed by another character in the next story is a treat I would love to see more of! The mention of Garretts, and the love and connection the last story created with it, made my Chicago heart so happy!

This is going to end up on my recommendations list for years to come!