A review by readingthroughtheages
Handbook for Dragon Slayers by Merrie Haskell


I liked this book because of the character, Tilda. She is a smart girl, and a princess. Tilda was born with the condition of being splayfooted (I looked it up several times and I'm still having trouble imagining it. It's not quite a club foot, but the positioning of the foot seems to be very painful, esp when walking). Her disability is a curse, yet also helps her learn a lesson. It is part of who she is, however, it has created issues for her, not only physical, but also mental - people crossing themselves when they see her, talking about her behind her back, making people think she might not be as capable. I thought the author did a good job writing in the disability and making it a part of who Tilda is, but not defining her.
The story takes place in the time of castles and dragons. The author used some specific terminology that at times confused me, or at the very least I had to use my context clues to help me figure out. I think the vocabulary could lose some young readers, so it's better fitted for mature 4th gr and up.