A review by thismomreadsbooks
Two for Boarding by Lasairiona McMaster


This book had a little bit of a different feel than the rest of the series, but still a fantastic read!
It does address a couple of tougher and less discussed topics, so be sure to check out the authors note at the beginning to ensure this story is right for you!

Mackenzie is a wonderful, she was so smart and strong and I loved watching her come into her own and seeing the true self that she was able to discover! Her fears and self consciousness are very relatable.

I found this to be such a fascinating read, I loved all of the descriptions and extra details. Including, the way I which Austin spoke-he had so many layers to his character and was so very true to himself. His wants and beliefs regardless of the pressure that was put on him by his father wants. Austin really was such a complex character, he is so much more that meets the eye and loved reading all about him. He just makes you melt and swoon.

The sensual, beautiful, caring and trusting connection they shared was great. I loved watching all the aspects of Austin and Mackenzie relationship as it developed. Austin’s patience with her, her curiosity and their respect and devotion to each other was very special.

We did get to see a bit of the rest of the characters from the previous books and the introduction of new side characters, the found family, was wonderful so much fun, supportive and loveable.

I look forward to what this author has up next for both the Snow Pirates and the new Protocol characters!