A review by tinylove
Ursula K. Le Guin: Conversations on Writing by Ursula K. Le Guin, David Naimon

This was a very interesting read and very beneficial to read from the perspective of an author. Reading other authors on craft is feeling equivalent to chugging electrolytes during a heat wave.

This one was much more organized than the other collection of interviews I read by Le Guin (The Last Interview one). Not that these two books should be compared to each other, but I read them back to back with the purpose of studying closer how Le Guin operated as a craftswoman so it is hard to avoid. Either way, it is not an unfavorable comparison - hard to pick one better or worse, and that's not the point, but if you want to read about her takes and thoughts on the writing process this is definitely the one you should read! Together with interviewer David Naimon they go over the three different mediums Le Guin wrote in three different interviews, each dedicated to only one (poetry, fiction and nonfiction).

And what a treat it is! They both have great knowledge, respect and love for the craft - and great respect and rapport with each other. It was three very great conversations to read and observe them engage with each other and the subject matter at hand. At the time of the interviews, Le Guin is already a veteran author and versed in all three - her takes are very insightful and honed over years of experience at this point, it feels. It was great to keep notes, especially of the books and other materials she mentions as noteworthy, so I can check them out later. That was all around a very satisfying and gainful read.