A review by brittnichenelle
Alpha's Ultimatum by Charlee Garden


This is the best Werewolf book I've ever read. It's one of those books where you can't see all that's being set up in the moment and then everything kind of hits you at the end. The last 30 percent of the book is one shocking twist after the other, that all pay off from earlier hints. What the author does very well is set up the rules of the world early, so that when everything goes down, there is no need to delay and explain which has been a pet peeve of mine in other books in the genre.

The characters are special because none of them are perfect. They each make their own mistakes and have intentions that sometimes go awry. This makes them feel real and relatable. Everyone does what they believe is best in the moment.

But the real star of this book is the world-building in the wolf community. I have never been so captivated or immersed. Whenever I'm learning the customs or norms of the wolf world, I am on the edge of my seat. Isn't it supposed to be set up or exposition? Nope. It's so vivid and unique that I dreamed about wolves every night, the entire time I was reading this book.

5 Stars for Charlee Garden's debut.

So... like... when is the next one coming out?