A review by the_novel_approach
Greymalkin by Chris Quinton


Greymalkin is the first book in a new paranormal series by Chris Quinton.

Jesse, a former rugby player, is taking a semi-forced sabbatical in the small town of Greenlynn. While there, Jesse is supposed to write his memoirs, keep out of the public eye, and relax and regroup. Unfortunately on one of his first days in the village, his Jeep is vandalized. Jesse realizes that he’s been recognized and that he may not be welcome there. Deciding to go for a run to clear his head, he spots a group of young boys clowning around by the River Lynn. One of the boys ends up falling into the swift moving river, and Jesse dives into save him.

Enter onto the scene police officer Will Blake, who ends up helping Jesse with the young boy. While this is their first meeting, they are both so wrapped up in helping the boy that they don’t really get to speak to each other. They actually speak when Will runs into Jesse, when he’s coming back from a run. There is an instant attraction between them, but since Jesse was just burned by an ex, he’s reluctant to let anyone near him in even a casual sense. Will eventually talks him into going running with him, and they strike up a friendship.

After this point the story delves more into both the relationship with Will and Jesse but also the addition of Melusine and her companions, as they try to create Triads. Eventually, Greymalkin starts communicating to Jesse and Will that they are meant to be part of a Triad with him. Their acceptance of Melusine and the Triads also serves to draw Will and Jesse closer, until they realize there is more than just friendship between them.

Greymalkin is packed with action, strong characters and storyline, a solid foundation for world building, and adds a healthy dose of Celtic Mythology to tie it all together. The characters are the strongest part of the story, as both are very believable. They show strength, vulnerabilities, and sense of purpose once Greymalkin gets through to them. The various worlds of the Here, There, and the village are solidly crafted into this story and with a paranormal book, that is a big part of what makes the story work.

There are a few spots where the story could make the reader pause or feel slightly lost. This happened for me when the story transitions from Greenlynn into the Here or There of Melusine’s world. However, it’s not a reason, by any means, to stop reading, as this is an excellent start to a new series. This book was very enjoyable and makes this reviewer want the next book in the series as soon as possible to see where the author is taking the story. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys classic good vs. evil fantasy novels.
