A review by anya_doesntmatter
Mocker of Ravens by Jordan L. Hawk


It is no secret just how much I absolutely love Jordan L. Hawk's SPECTR series. I can recall vividly, the moment I cracked open the first book in the series and after reading the first couple pages I thought to myself: "Holy Mother Father! This is awesome!" She completely blind sided me. Within a handful of minutes I was engrossed in this amazing, visual world she created and how deeply invested I became in her amazing leading characters: John, Caleb and *swoon* Grey! I devoured these stories and whooped for joy when they realized their HEA in the end. That was a bittersweet moment for me. After all, who can resist Grey?

Imagine my joy when Hawk brought back my boys. Mocker of Raven's is the first book in the second installment of this series. The first installment ended with our heroes kicking butt, saving lives and finally finding a dynamic that made their relationship work ( considering Grey and Caleb share a body). I do not like giving away spoilers so if you haven't already ( are you crazy?! ) read Books 1-6 [b:Spectr:|25565297|Spectr (The Complete First Series)|Jordan L. Hawk|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1432056007s/25565297.jpg|43274981], of the first installment before starting this one.

The first installment ended (in my opinion) lauding John, Caleb and Grey as heroes. Unfortunately, such is not the case in Mocker. Instead of being thanked for their hard work. John, is looked down upon for working with the Vigilant and his lovers/partners Caleb and Grey, are feared; constantly harassed by fellow agents. Poor Grey, in doing his duty is branded as dangerous. A reckless parasitic monster to be put down. So much unjustifiable hate. New paranormal entities to seek and destroy. A hostile work environment. A new partner that promises to keep our boys on their toes. I can't take it!

This second installment is off to a fast paced, heart pounding, tantalizing start which I suspect will be an adventure that's just as entertaining and fun to read as the first! I can't wait to see where Jordan takes me next. She officially has me hooked and I am craving more.