A review by elylibrarysec
Frenemies by Nicole Blanchard


Layla Tate is just trying to get through the school year. She can be someone you can connect to – she doesn’t want to be like her mother. Dashiel “Dash” Hampton also wants to get through the school year. He gives you a peek at what the boy that pulls the pigtails grows up to be.

I liked having this story told from the character’s point of view. It was a great way to get Dash’s perspective on their past interactions. Layla’s point of view is all about their current connection. He also shows the reader that not always having more than most makes you happy. For Layla, I felt that at times she put her happiness on the backburner in order to get approval from her mother. Dash seems to like poking at something that he probably shouldn’t. Where Layla would prefer not to rock the boat if possible.

One thing this author does very well is building anticipation – for both her characters and her readers. Will they? Won’t they? Is there something that’s going to come between? She also shows that you can have a book with plenty of heat without doing “it”. All the ups and downs led to a very romantic ending. Since I missed reading the first book, I was glad to see that you could read this as a standalone. Our author did make me curious about Layla’s friends, Ember and Charlie. For Charlie, that’s where the first book in the series comes in. I look forward to catching up because Ember’s story is next.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.