A review by lifeinthebooklane
Alien Captive by Lee Savino, Golden Angel


4.5 stars for this wonderful gem of a read

I've read, and enjoyed, quite a few books by both these authors so I was stoked to hear they were co-writing a book. And not just any old book but an alien capture book! I knew I'd enjoy this, since I've enjoyed 'alien' stories by both of these authors. However I absolutely loved this story.

I can picture the two authors now, sitting and giggling about the smutty and naughty things their characters would experience - particularly those seela! They managed to write a pastiche of every 'captured by the alien' book you may have encountered, whilst at the same time making it one of the best examples of the genre too. This had humour, terror, angst and orgasms galore. It not only entertained but held me captive from beginning to end, though I did look at my e-reader in a whole new light!!!

Even when her body's desire for sexual fulfilment betrayed her, Dawn still retained her spark and personality. I liked both her and Gavrill, they were well rounded characters. Whilst I felt less of a connection to him, that was OK because he was a centuries old alien being, so he shouldn't feel like a human guy. The plot, whilst not massively complex, was well thought through and moved with a good pace. At heart this is an erotic romance with some spanking and lots of naughty times, albeit one that engaged my emotions too.

Whilst there wasn't masses of world building, the lack of a Tsenturion home world made this unnecessary. I also got the impression that, should the series continue (PLEASE PLEASE DO LET IT!!!) we will encounter and learn more about the mysterious Vgotha.

If you don't like spanking or dubious consent in a book, this perhaps isn't for you. If, like me, you love dominant aliens who want to master their captive human females and redden their bottoms for mutual pleasure then I highly recommend this. Just don't blame me if you swipe right and get zapped to another world!