A review by booksbybindu
The Empire by Michael Ball


I wasn’t sure what I was really expecting from this book as there have been a host of celebrities releasing books this year but it was the premise that hooked me into giving it a go - theatre based in the 1920s, which is my favourite era for historical novels! I was extremely surprised to find a book that was filled with warmth, fun, brilliant characters and a plot that kept you engaged! For a debut novel this was a great start to Michael Ball’s writing career and he has used his experience from his amazing theatre life to aplomb. I also read the whole book with his voice and I can see why he also narrated the audiobook as I can’t imagine anyone else doing it. It’s clear that Michael has taken his passion and love from the theatre and thrust it into this story and it works exceedingly well!

When Jack returns from his war experience, his parents having died with the Spanish flu he finds himself at a loss. He is directed to ask at The Empire theatre for work as his late mother once worked with the owner Lady Lassiter. Jack arrives during a rehearsal and is instantly mesmerised by it. Not just with the acting but the people behind the scenes and the life in general! There are the stars Stella and Lance but it seems that it is Grace who basically runs the show who has stolen Jack’s heart. However, the Empire is struggling since Sir Lassiter died and it rivals are hitting where it hurts. Will Jack and Grace save the day and more importantly admit their feelings…

Who couldn’t love the characters in this book?! We have a mix of social strata’s ranging from the Lassiter’s down to Jack and Grace. There are a lot of them, there is a handy guide at the start of the book, but once you grasp onto them you don’t let go! But it was the way that the social issues of the day were weaved into the stories of the characters that I loved. We have the spunky flapper types - independent, fun and fierce in their ambitions, the lasting affects of the war on Jack and Danny and we even have nods to the increase of machinery in factories leading to the lose of jobs. It’s clear someone has done their research!

I flew through this book and it can only be a testimony to how much I enjoyed it! I’m hoping that this may turn out to be a series but even if it doesn’t I enjoyed my time at the Empire.