A review by just_a_touch_of_bibliomania
America Pacifica by Anna North


This book is a dystopian. Had no idea, I found it in a bulk bin and bought it for the cover. It's rated on the lower end on Goodreads, barely above a 3 star, and it's been on my TBR shelf for a few years now.

This book follows a girl living on an island called America Pacifica years after the mainland has fallen under an ice age. Her mother goes missing, and this novel follows her as she attempts to find her. Everything we learn about the history and politics of this world is through the characters she meets.

I thought the writing was actually very good and if you like a story that is moved solely by the character than this is a book for you. I felt like it was a great look at how apathy and fear can lead to a broken government and elitist system, with hope possibly at the horizon but ignorance, propaganda and fear maintaining the status quo.

Overall, an enjoyable read, a little slice of life in a dystopian world with what I consider the perfect ending for this story.