A review by eesh25
The Scorch Trials by James Dashner


When I finished this book yesterday night, I was really angry and frustrated and confused and worried and even more confused and just...

I mean, seriously, who the fuck ends a book this way?!

And it wasn't just the ending either. The amount of torture that was inflicted on these characters was unbelieveable. I loved the book but I desperately wanted it and the series to end because I couldn't bear the thought of anything more happening to Thomas or Mihno, Newt, Teresa or anyone else. For fuck's sake, give the people a break!

But does James Dashner care. Nope. No, he does not.

But, after a long night of sleep, I can finally think rationally and-
Oh, who am I kidding? Rational thought is so far from my mind that it could travel at the speed of light and it still wouldn't get to me in my lifetime. Long night of sleep didn't do shit (I didn't even get a long night of sleep since I was reading till 3 am). I might need therapy for this one.

Or maybe some answers. Yup, answers would work too. I'll get them. In a week or two, after I'm over this book.

So, this was my not-really-a-review-but-just-a-rant review. You should read the book and you'll get why I feel this way.