A review by bethadele
Boy of Bone: Twelve Stories Inspired by the Mutter Museum by K.R. Sands


There were one or two stories here that I didn't really care for but overall, the ones I loved more than made up for it.

Quirky, macabre, at times cringe inducing, Sands can weave a tale that has you residing, albeit momentarily, in some one else's skin.
Each story was inspired by an artefact or exhibit from the Mutter Museum, which was sometimes difficult to figure out exactly what it was that inspired each tale. I'd love to see the addition of an authors note for what made her hear these tales in the things she saw.

Not for everyone, but if you like things a little awkward, strange and somewhat gruesome, told lyrically and beautifully (I am still haunted by a couple of tales) then you will love this.