A review by blodeuedd
When You Dare by Lori Foster


This was a good romantic suspense, aye, this was really good :) Romance, suspense, well that says it.

Dare is a good. A really good guy, damn he was so sweet. I just want to hug him.

Molly was brave, I would have been a broken crying mess. But then we learn why she has stayed strong before. It's in her.

They meet under the worst circumstances as he saves her from hell. So it's not all I love you! No, she is strong but still she has been through hell and he wants to find the assholes who had this done to her. But it's romance too so they grow closer and fall in love, and still he was so sweet. Gotta love him

I had heard her books were good and so they were. This was def one of the better romantic suspense books I have read, if not the best.