A review by ladyfives
Rosen Blood~背徳の冥館~ 1 Rosen Blood: Haitoku no Meikan 1 by Kachiru Ishizue

This art's got me starry-eyed. I forgot how much I like the unapologetic shoujo art style with sparkly rose petals and hair flying all over the place and beautiful elaborate outfits. The lovely Gothic vibes are just what I wanted, and I like the premise we're going into book 2 with: it's borderline dating sim-esque and y'know what, today I love it.

The main girl is a drag (I don't understand why she insists she needs to work? Like, is she getting paid? What's she gonna do with the money? Is it just weird service repayment?) and while she ostensibly makes all the decisions re. what happens to her, they're all decisions that serve other people and don't do much to characterize her, so they don't feel like they count. I can appreciate the effort put in to essentially having your cake and eating it too--Stella is these boys' servant, but she also decides to be their servant, so she's technically not a ragdoll shoved around by the whims of the plot and nasty dudes. and ok fine i'm here for it give me the sparkly blood-drinking

That said it's got some unique elements that I'm eager to see them use (such as Gilbert and the crystals). And I want to see more outfits!!!