A review by simsbrarian
The Expedition by S.E. Wendel


What did you like about the book? 11 year olds Hugh and his twin brother Rhys are two of the lucky few destined to join the groups of humans selected/drawn to board huge starliners and leave a decaying Earth to head for a new home over 7 years of travel away. However, Rhys is sent to Cryosleep while Hugh spends the years as an apprentice to the Engineers. Elena is an attempted stow-away tough-girl who ends up being taken under the wing of a high up soldier.... Orphans Zeneba and her little brother Zaynab are surprised when Zeneba is selected as the next Golden One of her people. With a humanoid appearance and mood-stone type of skin, these intelligent beings are, as you can likely guess, the natives of the planet that the masses of Earthlings are heading for. The story alternates between life on the ships and the training of Zeneba for her new leadership role.

Anything you didn’t like about it? The flow is choppy; chapters will be devoted to a few days and then there is a 3 year jump. The story is a definite Book One; as the "Earth Aliens" don't even land on Zeneba's planet until the very last page...

To whom would you recommend this book? Recommend for die-hard space-saga fans (in the middle-school range) who are looking for a long series to sink into as it has promise but is playing a Loooong game.

FTC Disclosure: The Publisher provided me with a copy of this book to provide an honest review. No goody bags, sponsorship, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.