A review by villianess
Night of the Soul Stealer by Joseph Delaney


With winter fast approaching Tom and the Spook head for his winter home in Anglezarke. Upon arrival Tom discovers that Meg, a lamia witch, is trapped in the cellar and each winter John comes here and lets her out. keeping her memory at bay with a herb tea that she must be given every morning. Meg is a great cook and takes care of the house, not remembering what she really is.
Tom must once again learn the hard way that keeping secrets from the Spook is a bad idea. One of the Spooks old apprentices has turned to the dark, has become a necromancy, and wants to call up the old god of winter. Morgan traps Tom and shows him how he can control dead souls. Morgan needs a book that the Spook has and convinces Tom to steel it from the Spook.
Tom is young only 13 and in trying to figure out how to solve problems on his own instead of talking to the Spook trouble comes in spades.

The underlying plot is coming along in each book. Tom seems to have stronger power than the Spook but lacks the mature knowledge of it true uses. He is skilled but also very lucky. I'm hoping that Tom's character starts to develop more as the stories continue. Still a good read.