A review by vingilot
Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne


A science fiction story from the 19th century. about things which are now reality which has far surpassed this fiction.

A professor, his friend, and a servant go on an adventure together, in a marvelously designed balloon. A tale of adventure, and survival awaits.

This was my first time reading Verne, and it was interesting. It is funny to read something that seems so munbdane but must have read as quite fantastical at the time. I was surprised at how accurate the science felt, even to a modern reader. The balloon seemed believable, although I admit I have no expertise in the field to speak of.

It is a product of its time, there is for example quite a bit of colonialist wish fulfillment going on, and its portrayal of native populations, or anyone who is not white and christian for that matter is problematic to say the least. However not remotely as bad as other novels I have read from the era.

All in all an interesting read, and a fascinating insight in the era where science first started to change our world significantly.