A review by sbauer378
Shatterglass by Tamora Pierce


Hands-down favorite of this series. Honestly, the other three don't really hold up when you reread them as an adult but this one does.

I love that glassmaking is such a large part of the book. Just like Tris, I am absolutely fascinated by it. Chime is super cool and Keth is my favorite of all the new students. Most of that is because he's an adult and even when he has tantrums, he eventually thinks things through and calms down on his own. He's not a childish brat like the rest of them. Keth and Tris are able to work together and resolve their differences without too much drama.

Tris is my favorite of the four, mostly because I identify with her the most. Introverted bookworm who has an acerbic wit but with a heart of gold under it all. Seeing her with Glaki, Little Bear, and Chime was very sweet. Hers and Niko's mentor/mentee relationship is also the strongest of the four, I find. Niko is what Numair should have been instead of a pedophile.

I liked that Tharios was clearly Greek-based, it made it easier for me to picture in my mind, even if I would never want to visit such a society. They got a taste of their own bullshit medicine, even if I don't think they'll learn anything in the long run.

Finally, the villain is more intriguing in this book of the series. The first three are really just psychopaths who enjoy wanton murder, which I don't find interesting. At least this villain had a motive that does make sense. I can see how a person got to that point even if I don't agree with murder as the solution. Very Criminal Minds, honestly.