A review by lavoiture
In the Kitchen by Monica Ali


*Whew* I feel better after reading some of the other reviews. I, too, won this from Godoreads and I really wanted to like it. I like cooking, I like chefs, I like mysteries...wait a second, it's not a mystery? For some reason I thought it was a mystery. Ok, that's ok, it's not a mystery, so it's about...um...people who are bipolar? Restaurant kitchens? Cancer? The illegal trade of people in London? Prostitutes? Childhood memories? The mills closing in England? I mean, there are so many stories going on here that I can't figure out what it's really supposed to be about, Gordon Lightfoot finding out something about his mother and then immediately following on the same path was a bit much for me. The writing isn't bad, but the story is no good. It's about 150 pages too long, on top of it all. I'm struggling to finish, but as I'm pretty much done, I'm already writing my review. I feel done with it, so why not?