A review by nsa101
The Jeweler of Stolen Dreams by M.J. Rose


5 star read and a must read of all that enjoy historical fiction!

The Jeweler of Stolen Dreams is the real-life story of Suzanne Belperron, a sought after jeweler in 1942 Paris. She was an active member of the Resistance and used her jewelry designs and gem stones to save hundreds of Jewish lives during WWII. Violine Duplessi is an appraiser for an auction house in 1986 New York. She has a special gift - she can feel an object's history by touching it. Violine and Suzanne’s life are woven together as Violine researches a mysterious trunk filled with hidden secrets. The search brings her to Paris and to Suzanne’s secret past.

There are so many stories written about WWII and I appreciate that while the author uses the time period as a setting, the was is not the main focus. I loved getting to know about Belperron and her jewelry designs as they pushed the boundaries of both color and design - she was truly a designer ahead of her time. The author does a great job of keeping your attention by weaving in some mystery, suspense and a little romance as you are taken along the streets of New York and Paris, along for an adventure as you discover, along with Violine, just how the affects of the past are never really hidden.

If you are looking for a great historical fiction read I would definitely recommend picking up this one!