A review by avisholkoff
This Will Not Pass by Jonathan Martin


I liked this book. An astute analysis of 2020-2021 in American politics. It’s a bit of insider baseball, in that there’s a number of aspects that, quite frankly I’m not sure people outside of the “rabid” politicos will care about, but had a number of compelling stories:

- section on picking Biden’s Veep. Fascinating to hear who they were considering and what might’ve been
- Senator Sinema’s baffling political ideology and wants and needs. It’s really worth reading for these alone
- dynamics between Biden & Harris

However, one nitpick is that it was clear Mitch McConnell/his team were major sources for the authors, because they take careful steps to paint McCarthy as a brown nose to Trump, while essentially lauding McConnell for publicly criticizing the former president, while halting Biden’s agenda and even pledging to support him in the future