A review by bandgeek3997
The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman


It's been three hours since I finished The Light Between Oceans, and I'm still sitting in my bed thinking about it. This book, if you read with some clarity and intelligence, really makes you think about your morals and question how you would act in the characters' positions. To my surprise, the way I feel about the decisions that were made are completely different than I thought it would be at first.

M.L. Stedman's debut novel is quite captivating. Tom and Isabel take on the tough duty of being the keepers of a lighthouse on a small piece of rock half a day's trip off the Australian shore. The place, called Janus Rock, presented some difficult challenges, such as weather, isolation, and an unforgiving ocean. However, this was nothing compared to desolation Isabel feels after three failed pregnancies. In what seem a stroke of fate, though, a boat with a dead man and a healthy baby finds itself among the rocks of Janus. Despite Tom's steadfastness and adherence to rules and laws, he gives to Isabel's pleas to not report the body and keep the baby to grow as their child. That single decision drives the rest of the book as the couple, and eventually every other character, is affected by their choice.

The character's of this book pulled all my heartstrings. For example, Tom is such a wonderful guy. He has been through so many obstacles in his life, but he still keeps a loving spirit about him. It hurt me to see what he went through in this book. And Isabel. She was an interesting character, and it took all the way until the end for me to discover how I truly felt for her. Stedman creates many complex characters, and they all add to the story immensely.

I'm too young to have children, so I can't pretend to personally understand the agony that Tom and Isabel went through as they lost all their children. I did see how affected my mother was when my half-brother passed away at a young age, and I can comprehend how losing a child can bring parents to do things that they normally wouldn't. For me, I completely empathized with the couple, and given their circumstances, didn't think they were too much in the wrong.

I'm very impressed with this debut novel, and I can understand why it is so highly rated and recommended. Complex characters, interesting story line, captivating dilemmas, and excellent writing style all work together to create an amazing book. As you turn the last page, though. Questions like Is it right? How far is too far? What is betrayal? Can forgiveness be found? will be running in your head for many hours to come, and you may not like the answers you find within yourself to the questions.