A review by ellelainey
Hearts Alight by Elliot Cooper


This was a gorgeous little Hanukkah/Christmas story that doesn't disappoint. I'm a firm fan of Elliot Cooper's writing and this story was just as brilliant as every other I've read.

There was a great depiction of the holiday - Hanukkah - without it being a lecture on what the holiday or what it meant to people. Some books tend to be more of a lesson, but this one had a nice natural feel that allowed for a personal description of what the holiday meant to Dave, without being over-done. There was excellent writing style, description and characterisation. I loved the chemistry between Dave and Amit. The entire story is a really original twist on the "in love with the best friend/brother-in-law's uncle" idea.

I loved Jake, who was an excellently written trans character, as well as Dave's best friend and brother-in-law. Dave's bisexuality was nicely explored without being in-your-face. I love how both were mentioned, how they were dealt with in terms of the family's religious views and family setting. I also absolutely love the fact that there's an entire paragraph challenging all the thoughts I have in stories like these - is it weird, because of their legal relationship? Was Amit asexual, aromantic, straight? And did any of it matter if there was a connection. Major kudos to Elliot for adding that, because I'm always asking myself these questions in other stories and I didn't have to here, because it was done for me.

I loved the golem aspect of the story. It was a surprise, well written, and really well explained without, again, being over-done or a history lesson. At the same time, I really loved that Dave's love of pottery painting and his experiences with it had already been really nicely explored before the revelation.

I'm not a D&D player, but there was a really nice description of the game that will appeal to players and non-players alike, as it shows some really nice bonding time between Dave and Amid. I didn't need to follow it, because it wasn't overly technical, but more of a conversation that had nice balance.

And can I just say YES! to the fact that Dave's favourite childhood movies are Willow and The Princess Bride? It's like we had the same childhood!

Adorable, beautiful, and with great characters. There was a perfect ending, that left the story open and not at all clean cut and "forever" but still gave it the feel of hope and a future together. I'm never disappointed by this author and this one proves why. A perfect Christmas Day read.


Favourite Quote

"He could just exist and feel tethered to some semblance of normalcy, locked in Amit's gaze. No pressure to talk. No pressure to be interesting. Just two souls sharing the same wavelength."

""I have so many questions," Dave said, his voice soft, as if Amit were so fragile that loud tones might break him.
A grin lit Amit's face with renewed strength as he laughed, deep and heart. "You always do.""