A review by bookbutterfly111
Beautiful Losers by Leonard Cohen


Was forced to read this for school and I hated it. Not only is it nonsensical garbage but I can't stand the descriptions of a Native American child getting raped and abused. I'm sick of women being raped and abused for "art" or "shock value" and as a plot device in books. Being forced to buy and to read this piece of hot garbage for school is ridiculous and proof that our education system is complete garbage. No warning, no compassion for women in the class who may have experienced sexual violence and now have to read this piece of steaming dog turd. There's no value to this book.

Typical response: "rape and violence is just a part of reality, it's just showing the reality" - there's a proper way to write about rape and violence against women, a respectful way to write about it that engages with it and then there's this, and all the bullshit tv shows that show women being raped in every other episode purely for shock value and entertainment or to glorify womens suffering as art. Women have to go through being raped and abused or live with the fear of being raped and then everywhere they go their suffering is packaged as art and entertainment or shock value. disgusting