A review by jaylynn_schuby
Forever Pucked by Helena Hunting


Did I read these out of order? Yes. Do I care? No! I needed more Alex and Violet in my life! 

These two are so freaking cute and hilarious, I can’t stand it. They take care of each other, support each other, and embrace each other’s weirdness. Once again, Violet has no filter and says what comes to her mind and she’s hilarious for it. The things that come out of her mouth 😂 Alex loves Violets weirdness and I love him for it. He is accepting of who she is and wants to give her the world. Does he still say some stupid things? Maybe, but he owns up to them. 

Not only are Alex and Violet hilarious, but so are the friends/family. Skye is a wonderfully no filter woman and you see where Violet gets it from. She basically corrupted Daisy and I’m here for it! Charlene and Violet are the best friends everyone wants. I’m all for girl power and strong female friendships! I also like that we got more of Alex’s bromance with Darren. I love a good bromance. 🩷

This book is a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute I’m laughing, the next I’m crying. The first hockey game of the book is a lot and sets the tone. Everything turns out ok, but it was hard to read at first just because you want everything to be ok! Everything does work out, and you get to know Violet and Alex more as a couple. (Don’t worry, the spice is still spicy in this book 😈)