A review by destynnee
The Morrigan by Newton Webb, Newton Webb


"You idiot, that isn’t what vajazzling means.” Macha shook her head. “Vajazzle means decorating your…” she pointed suggestively at her crotch and coughed, “with beads, glitter, or I don’t know. Biscuits.”

The Morrigan
A Folk Horror Novella
Newton Macabre Tales
By newton webb
67 pages
Currently on KU in the USA.
Publication date December 7th, 2022

This is an ARC review and may have spoilers. Please be careful.

Possible TW, Tropes, and Genres
Short Story, Novella, Horror, Gaelic, Irish, Fae, Contemporary, Fiction, Death, Rebirth, Pregnancy, Funeral, Maiden Mother Crone, Retelling, Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, Witch

I really enjoyed this Irish Folk tale about the Maiden, Mother and the Crone.. Of the #Morrigan. Who and what they were, is just something else. They were such powerful forces to be reckoned with.

I loved how Webb, used the lore, to have these three women, try to combat climate change, pollution, etc. What better way, than to fight a never ending (so it seems) battle for our planet and the lives of everyone on it.

I enjoyed how well Macha and Connor got along with each other. The love and care they showed in so few words and actions were beautiful.

I'm gonna try my best not to spoil what happens between Macha and Connor, but let's just say it's one hell of a CAW.