A review by lattelibrarian
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott


I honestly wish I’d read this sooner, maybe when I was a little girl, or when I was reaching adolescence. I read a couple reviews before diving in that said that this book was rather preachy, and to be fair, it is, a little bit. But after having read it all, I feel renewed. I feel as though I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons, and I want to actually put those lessons into action. I want to be kinder, more charitable, and more self-aware.

I also felt renewed because this was the first book in a while that I’ve felt emotionally attached to. While I’m always entertained by books, and have my predictions and wishes for endgame couples, this was the first book in months where I’d audibly react, or I’d have to set the book down because of what just happened. All of the characters in this book were by no means perfect, but they were written so well and lifelike that I couldn’t help but cheer for them, regardless of whether they were succeeding or failing in what they set out to do.

In addition to this, I feel the need to warn future readers about the major character death that ensues in part two. It’s not gruesome or anything like that, it’s just really, really sad.

The most relateable character to me was Amy, though I must admit that I’m biased, since I share the same name. But at this moment in my life, I feel like I’ve been a “Jo” my whole life, and while I want to retain the “Jo”-ness about me, I also want to learn how to be an “Amy” as well. As I mentioned before, there’ve been critiques of this book being a little preachy, but overall, I think what Alcott preaches (sometimes with religious overtones) are lessons that we could all do with learning.

All in all, I have nothing but praise for this book. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and once I’d finished it, I felt satisfied. I can’t ask for anything more than that.

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