A review by ria_mhrj
Heroine Worship by Sarah Kuhn


Dayumn this was crazy amounts of fun. I was a bit anxious about reading a book with Aveda as the heroine - it could have been easy to a) make her an unlikeable diva or b) give her a total personality transplant and make her a bland narrator. Fortunately we got option c) in which our complex, flawed but ultimately loveable superheroine goes on a journey.

A bugbear of mine is when multiple first person narrators from the same author have no discernible differences, but I loved how different Aveda's voice was from Evie. From her checklists and her careful rationalisations, she felt like a living, breathing creation.

Once again, I was enchanted by the love story, it was very sweetly handled and I hope we get more of Aveda and her beau in future books (I was a little shortchanged with Nate appearances here, sniff). And once again, I loved how female friendship was such a core focus - not just with Evie, but all members of the family were beautifully drawn.

I can definitely imagine rereading these in the future when I need a pick me up. And I really must watch The Heroic Trio soon!