A review by eeely
The Gulag Archipelago, Abridged Edition by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


This was very brutal. I read it, but it was rough. There are a few quotes that go way too hard however, and I carry this book around with me forever engrained in my soul. Few books have been able to penetrate me and change me in such a way, I greatly recommend everyone read this. However, don't be a Jordan Peterson and think everything written here is the gospel truth, it is an impressive account of one mans experiences and his attempts to extrapolate in order to show the full scale of the horrors of the Gulags is (as it always was doomed to be) inaccurate. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn did a better job than probably anyone else on the planet ever could given the circumstances he was under, but read this more as an insight into the inhumane experiences one must endure in such abhorrent conditions.