A review by enchantingreads_rosyreviews
In the Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros


Overall, Rebecca Yarros does a brilliant job blending politics, current events, and suspense with romance. Nate and Izzy’s story, grounded in the real-life event of the Afghanistan pull-out, made the narrative more real. After following the events unfold on the news, now I got to read about two fictional people caught up in that chaos. Of course, it made it almost impossible to put down the book for silly stuff like sleeping. I mean, who actually NEEDS sleep? Am I right?

This book is framed from the frontlines of the American military pull-out of Afghanistan. Whether you followed the news day to day (like me, the super nerd/polemology news-junkie) or not, you should be familiar with the topic, especially the rapid deterioration of the Afghani government to Taliban forces and the horrific conditions of the evacuation.

Starting with a chance meeting and a plane crash ten years prior, we can't help but fall in love with Nate and Izzy. As the story goes on, we toggle back and forth from present day (August 2021 in Afghanistan) to various points throughout the past 10 years of Izzy and Nate. Alternating perspectives between his and her points-of-view, their complicated history begins to become more clear. And boy, is it a doozy! It’s filled with pining love, friendship, trust, growth, painful goodbyes, hopeful futures, trauma, service, and a couple of surprising reveals. This contemporary romance will leave you wanting more… seriously, this one should be a movie!

I cannot say this enough: PLEASE read this book! I know many people hear “Rebecca Yarros” and think of Fourth Wing or Iron Flame, but this book is worth your time, too. Plus, I don’t want to spoil anything (unless it’s in the spoiler section of this post), but there are a couple of surprises and one of them literally had me gasping because I was shocked!