A review by elisa_menz
Greetings, Planet Earth!: Book One of the Jack Gripper Series - A Science Fiction Comedy by Steve R. Heiman

adventurous funny inspiring lighthearted fast-paced


Absolutely awesome!
I started this book with mild expectations, since sci-fi is not a genre I read without an ulterior motive.
The witty humor and the great writing quickly caught my attention and I decided this was going to be a fun, simple read. 
Wrong again!
Jack is an amazing character! His humble origins make you think (along with everyone else on the planet) he's probably not the best candidate to represent Earth in such a decisive moment. But Jack overcomes his tasks with a refreshing mix of wit, kindness, and wisdom. 
I did not expect the story to swerve into metaphysical questions, the purpose of humanity, and what we can offer to the universe. It was nice to see such important matters represented in such a lighthearted way, without taking importance from them.
Ok. Loved, loved, loved this book, and I really want to know what will happen to Jack and all his new alien friends!