A review by shelvesofstarlight
The Dazzle of the Light by Georgina Clarke


This book was a historical filled delight of a story that focused on following two women as they navigate very different lives.

The characters in this book were very well written they practically came alive off of the page. Harriett and Ruby sparkled as they made there way through their lives as they became more and more intertwined with one another. The wide variety of other characters were also well written and I really felt like we knew the main cast as they danced in and out of the narrative. And what I really liked was the historical names dropped in now and again. Of course I might have only known some of them from Peaky Blinders but that made me enjoy it even more!

The plot was simple enough to follow and I really liked how it got more and more complex as the two stories got more and more mixed together. It was so compelling to follow and see how it all panned out for the two women who were the beating heart of this book. The ending annoyed me ever so slightly but that was just because I had wanted it to go in another direction. As I mentioned before and will mention again, the historical aspect of this book and how grounded it was in the historical time period and the focus on the lives of these characters as well.

The writing was also wonderful. As said the historical aspect was amazing and something I always appreciate as part of the historical fiction genre and this was handled so well. It was such a rich and well crafted world that the story took place in and I really enjoyed myself as I read it.

I was kindly sent an ARC of this book by the publishers in exchange for an honest review.